AVIAN, Diageo, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Bad Girl Bakery, The Bazeley Partnership, BBC Radio 5 Live, Build It magazine, Castle Gordon Estate, The Calman Trust, Chilcott UK, The Co-Operative, Dynam, Equiom Group, Everest Windows Ltd, Glasstorm, Glenmoriston Townhouse Hotel, The Guardian, Highland Business Women, Highlife Highland, Highland Hospice, Highwater Scotland, Hobbit Hideaway, Inverness College, LCA Accounting, Middleton Ross Solicitors, MIX'D VIP cocktails, Murrelli Limited, Naked Highlander, Northcoastglass, Royal Highland Hotel, Science Skills Academy, Teclan, Univeristy of the Highlands & Islands, Virtual Learning Academy, Wyvis Roofing and many more.
After four years as a staff photographer for the Highland News Group, I'm delighted to have continued this richly varied work with commissions ranging from Royal visits to Game of Thrones whisky launches! To shout out your achievements and ensure your story is captured in vibrant images...